Sunday, September 11, 2011

Research Idea Blog Post 1

As I was discussing some interesting ideas with my roommates I stumbled upon some topics that would be cool to research. I drafted quite a long list and then came up with the top four best entries. For now I just have these ideas in mind and I am looking into which one of them I could come up with the most support for as well as which one I can find extensive research on. Since I plan on double majoring in criminology and psychology I wanted to incorporate both fields into my research paper.

The topics I came up with are still very vague and need some work but are somewhat along the lines of this:
-how might birth order (for example: first-born, middle, late children) affect criminal tendencies?
-do "attached" children (psychology) tend to be deterred from criminal activity more than isolated children?
-Is it criminal for a child to revolt violently against their caregiver if that person abuses of them?
-Does the portrayal of crime and violence in the movies and on TV motivate younger generations to strive to behave in similar ways?

1 comment:

  1. These are some of the most specific and honed questions I've come across in blogs. I think that the first two have a lot of potential. The third one i think probably deals with the law (what would be prosecuted as "criminal") so you could work with that one, but you would have to define "criminal" (which, i guess you have to in all of these).

    Crime and violence in movie and tv has been written on ad nauseum. It could be an interesting topic if handled in the right way. I encourage you to google/library catalog "Tv violence." You may want to look at a particular television show's violence and how it may affect the audience, although this would be a pretty speculative paper.

    Great start. You are on your way.
